St. Patrick’s Needs You!
• The sign of a healthy parish is growth, and we have an abundance of that!
• The Elkhorn area is growing rapidly, and our Activity Center is integral in meeting the needs of St. Patrick’s. • The gifts you give now will benefit PRESENT and FUTURE generations. • No matter what your financial gift may be, we ask everyone to PRAY for the success of our campaign. How You Can Give• MONETARY pledge payments can be made weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.
• St. Patrick’s accepts ONLINE donations (ACH, credit or debit card), envelopes in the Sunday basket, or via bill pay from your bank. • STOCK donations are accepted, as are some other ASSETS. • Some companies offer MATCHING CONTRIBUTIONS, and St. Patrick’s has benefited from these in the past. Please ask your employer if they provide this opportunity. We can help you through the process. • We hope to utilize other outside funding sources, such as additional GRANTS or CHARITABLE FOUNDATIONS. If you are aware of any or are able to help obtain any of these potential funds, we welcome your assistance. |
"God is never outdone in generosity. Life has proven, the more I give - the more it comes back a hundredfold. Promise! ~Fr. Tom Fangman
Capital Campaign Pledge Card
Please return your pledge card to the Parish office, drop it in the collection basket during mass, email to [email protected], or mail it to St. Patrick's Church at 20500 West Maple Rd., Elkhorn, NE 68022. |
WeShare Online Donations
If you are interested in making a donation online to the Capital Campaign, click on the above link to do so via a secure Secure SSL/TLS Connection. |
You Are The Reason We Can Move Forward
Your prayerful support, the gift of your time, and your financial contributions is what GROWING OUR FUTURE, ROOTED IN FAITH is all about.